Off to Renmark today, just a bit too far to go all the way home.
A nice stop in Crystal Brook, fresh donut, stroll down the Main Street, looking at the shops, fossicking thru a secondhand store and setting off to Burra. 

Seeing all the green fields again , so different to NT, even the gum trees are a nice change.
Stopped at a quarantine bin (fruit fly zone) and had to change into warmer clothes!
Into Morgan for fuel and a look around, near the Murray River again, so can hear familiar birds. Quick lunch at the bakery and a very weak latte (so over bad coffee)
Yay! Back in Victoria! Shame we’re back to winter weather though. On the bright side, I can wear jeans and hide all the damn insect bites on my legs 😩
Isn’t that a mongrel state sign, compared to SA/NT’s?
Got to Mildura approx 5pm, fuelled up and heading home, after McDonalds, in the van, parked in a parking lot. It started raining, but husband decided to head home, another 250+kms, but it’s taken us 3 hours to get home. Scary shit too.
Narrow roads, raining heavily, oncoming traffic and crappy Toyota high beam lights 😵💫
Pulled into home only 10 minutes ago, ready for a cuppa!
That’s it,folks! Over 7,400km round trip!
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